Designer Suite "Harrington"
EnduraFlood Designer Suites demonstrate the versatility of EnduraFlood installations. Even though there are endless possibilities how the EnduraFlood System can help you create your perfect space, our Reference Projects are meant as inspiration and guide to what is possible. See below for the project specifications, as well as a link to our project estimator where you can estimate the recommended items for your particular project.
This project shows a very popular combination of EnduraFlood trims and panels: Seen here is the UNI-TRIM horizontal trim on a standard 2x4 wooden stud wall, with 48"x33" panels, giving you an overall trim height of approximately 36".

Specifications as shown above:
Horizontal Trim Type: PVC Ribbon
Horizontal Trim Height: 36"
Drywall Thickness: 1/2"
Average Width of Panels: 48"
Type of Panels: ENDU-BOARD
To customize this project and to estimate your needs, use our handy Project Estimator.
ENDU-BOARD is shipped white, unpainted. You will have to paint the boards. The wall colors used in the Harrington reference project are:
Benjamin Moore "White Crisp" (top)
Benjamin Moore "Coventry Grey"
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